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Cookies policy

Cookie is a text file, code, or piece of software that stores information related to search engine history and formulas built on your terminal. It is controlled by your internet browser and has a unique and random number. You can read, delete or change it.

Rinoparts uses various types of cookies as below: When you visit, or (Rinoparts), we will inform you that by using our site you agree to the storage of cookies. For more information, you can click on the link in the notification, we'll redirect you to this where you will learn all the cookie information we use on this page.

Necessary for basic functionality
The Rinoparts site uses these cookies so you do not have to sign up for each page load. If you disable these cookies, you will not be able to sign in to your account and make orders.

Third party cookies
We use third party services such as Google Analytics tracking tools. For this purpose, we retrieve codes from these third parties which may require the storage of cookies. This also results in the acceptance of cookies from that third party. Rinoparts s.r.o. as the Rinoparts site operator is unable to influence the storage of third-party cookies. if you would like to read more about the cookies of these services, please visit the appropriate services and read their privacy policies or service usage policies.

What cookies we saved on your computer can be found in your browser settings (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, or Internet Explorer). Find the Privacy Settings section and a list of currently saved cookies.

In your browser, you can disable automatic acceptance of cookies in your browser settings. Instructions and instructions can be found in the help of your web browser. If you use multiple devices (such as a computer, tablet, phone), we recommend that you customize the use of cookies on each of these devices separately according to your preferences.

We respect your decision to accept cookies in your browser. However, disabling cookies impacts on the functionality of this website, especially the inability to sign in and place orders.